Training and Consultancy

Sexism and sexual violence are issues everyone in healthcare needs to take action on. We provide speaking events, education and training on sexism, sexual harassment and assault in the healthcare workplace, as well as consultancy services to support organisations.

Speaking Events

Since our campaign launched we have been speaking at national and international events raising awareness about the experiences of women in healthcare. We offer keynote talks, conferences, podcasts, livestreams, and panel discussions tailored to your event.

Training and Education

Our training sessions are aimed at healthcare professionals, managers, employers, and organisations. We offer virtual and in-person training in the form of educational seminars and workshops. Our training is expert delivered, trauma-informed and aims to embed an intersectional understanding of these behaviours. We can provide workshops tailored to your needs in the form of hour-long, half-day or full-day programmes. 

Themes we cover include: 

We provide each attendee with a certificate of completion. 

We are passionate about providing informative and practical training sessions, and we are happy to collaborate and adapt sessions to suit your workplace needs. We offer an initial 30 minute free virtual consultation to discuss your requirements with all of our sessions. 

Book a free virtual consultation


Sexism and sexual violence occur in every healthcare workplace. The consequences of this lead to organisational distress and costly repercussions with reduced work productivity, low morale, high staff turnover, increased absence rates, and expensive legal action. We recognise organisations want to be great employers and support their staff. Since our campaign launched we have been supporting royal colleges, NHS trusts, and larger organisations such as NHS England and NHS Education for Scotland.

We will support you to tackle sexism and sexual violence in your organisation through our expert-led consultancy services covering current practice review, research guidance, establishing working groups, sexual safety policy, survivor support, reporting systems and creating a positive working environment for women. This list is not exhaustive, we have detailed guidance available on recommended actions for healthcare organisations. Contact us to book a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your individual requirements and our recommendations.

To book our services or if you have a bespoke requirement, please get in touch.

Contact us