About Us


Surviving in Scrubs was started by two doctors on a mission to raise awareness about sexism and sexual assault in healthcare.

Dr Becky Cox

Becky is a GP specialist working in gynaecology and an academic GP with an interest in violence against women. As a survivor of domestic abuse as well as sexual harassment and assault at work she advocates and campaigns to end the culture of misogyny in healthcare. From lecturing at Oxford University to medical students on domestic abuse, writing and publishing scientific papers, national and international speaking, and charitable work she has worked to bring a focus to violence against women in the healthcare sector. From sharing her own experience of sexual violence and abuse she recognises the power of survivor stories in bringing forth change.

Dr Chelcie Jewitt

Chelcie is an dual trainee in Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine. She is interested in health inequalities, particularly those faced by women. Throughout her training she has been a victim of, and witness to, multiple incidences of sexism and misogyny. This prompted her to found the Sexism in Medicine project, which has led to the hard-hitting report published with the BMA in August 2021. She campaigns for equality in the workplace, speaking at national and international conferences, collaborating with multiple organisations in order to tackle this issue. This latest campaign, focuses of giving victims of workplace misogyny a voice, bringing about change through the power of their testimony.


Our fantastic volunteers are vital in supporting the work of our campaign. We have a small but mighty team who represent a variety of healthcare professions and healthcare students, helping us with planning events, writing blogs, and social media.

Dr Ellen McIver

I am a salaried GP working in the Oxfordshire area. I became aware of the amazing work that Surviving in Scrubs are doing through research I conducted as part of my medical humanities masters degree. Working as a junior doctor in the NHS, I have been exposed to and witnessed widespread sexism, misogyny and instances of sexual harassment through a multitude of platforms. I am hoping to raise awareness of the issues that still remain in the NHS and to give a voice to the victims of discrimination and assault is long overdue, and I am thankful to be a part of the process.

Dr Kavir Matharu

Kavir is a GP Registrar and current National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow at NHS England. She is passionate about eradicating sexism and sexual misconduct in healthcare, having been a victim of and witness to multiple incidences of sexism and misogyny throughout her undergraduate and postgraduate training. She advocates for colleague wellbeing by increasing awareness of safe and supportive channels to raise concerns and hopes that by sharing her own experiences, she can empower others to speak up too.

Dr Kate Gibbons

Kate is a foundation doctor working in Manchester. Her first-hand experiences with gender biases, sexism, and harassment during medical school and at work prompted her to work towards tackling sexism and mysogyny in the medical profession.

She has been working in collaboration with Manchester medical school to produce bystander training and to raise awareness among students and help them develop tools to combat sexism when they experience it personally or witness others experiencing it.

Anya Soin

Anya is a 4th year medical student at the University of Nottingham. Her own experiences with sexual assault and sexism have led her to holding the role of President of the University of Nottingham Students Against Sexual violence and Sexism group, through which she has organised and led multiple events and workshops on topics such as consent, misconceptions around sexual assault and how to support a friend.

She was also part of a successful student campaign for mandatory consent training to be implemented at the University of Nottingham, and is passionate about sharing her own story to raise awareness and give a voice to survivors.

She became aware of the important work of Surviving in Scrubs after a meeting with policy advisors at the BMA regarding their Ending Sexism in Medicine pledge and has been a volunteer ever since, with a specific interest in working to improve provision of education on topics such as misogyny, sexual harassment and sexual assault at medical schools.